Latest LEHIA News and Information.


LEHIA Summer 2024 Newsletter It is always a very busy time for the houseboat industry as we approach Christmas and the Summer Boating Season. Each of the five houseboat builders have recently launched one or two new houseboats or completed extensions and major...

LEHIA President’s Report 2023-24 

 In presenting this Annual Report as President of LEHIA, I am proud to state that the Houseboat Industry at Lake Eildon builds World Class Houseboats which are amongst the most Environmentally Friendly whilst providing many Local Jobs in a Rural Area.  In...

LEHIA Winter 2024 Newsletter 

Lake Eildon has certainly excelled with magnificent weather for the late Summer and Autumn. More often than not beautiful sun filled days with minimal wind making Lake Eildon the magical place we all love. Even the main days of the Easter break were just magnificent. ...

LEHIA Autumn 2024 Newsletter 

As we approach the end of another Summer at Lake Eildon and reflecting on the recent peak of our season. Lake Eildon remained consistently in the high 90% of capacity; so close to full. This is the second season in a row for the Lake to experience these very high...

LEHIA President’s Report 2022/23 

Over recent weeks it has been amazing to see the new crop of newly built houseboats hit the water. Also, most encouraging to see the houseboats that have been extended and refurbished returned to the Lake.  As a member of the Industry, I feel pride as to what you the...

LEHIA Summer 2023 Newsletter 

As we rapidly approach another Summer Holiday Season at Lake Eildon, the Houseboat Industry has enjoyed another positive year. This doesn’t just happen but comes from a lot of hard work by all involved in the Industry.  Despite Interest Rate rises and concern about...

LEHIA Spring 2023 Newsletter

 Recently, it was a great pleasure to watch the video “The Local Project Halycon” produced by Stephen Jolson. Having known the Jolson Family for a number of years (the Late Henry Jolson a former Commodore of EBC), I found Stephen’s story beautiful, magnificent...

LEHIA Newsletter Winter 2023 

As we are now into the cooler Winter Months, it is most satisfying to report that all the Houseboat Builders/Maintenance Members of LEHIA are all extremely busy, with many bookings for the rest of the year and beyond. Recently, I had the opportunity to introduce the...

LEHIA Newsletter Summer 2022/23 

My last report was written back in early October 2022, and I talked about Lake Eildon being at 98% of Capacity. It is incredulous that now in mid February 2023 we are still at 98% of Capacity. This has ensured Lake Eildon has looked its magical best all Summer with...

LEHIA President’s Report 2021-22

In commencing this Report, it is important to recognize the Lake Eildon Houseboat Industry produces World Class Environmentally Friendly Houseboats whilst providing many Local Jobs. As an Industry, we respect that we are in competition with each other, but when we...

Spring Edition – LEHIA Newsletter

LEHIA Newsletter for Spring 2020 When writing this Newsletter, it is still in the depths of Winter and with everything happening in the world, Spring seems to be a long way off. Our thoughts are with all families and businesses, especially small businesses, that have...

Autumn 2020 Watermark Article

  In commencing this report our thoughts go to the people, families and communities that were impacted on by the recent Bushfires this season; especially to the families of those people who lost their lives. Eleven years ago, our area was severely impacted by...

2019 AGM Minutes

The Annual General Meeting of LEHIA was held on the 5th December 2019, minutes attached for your perusal

2019 Presidents Report

Australian Builders Plate Forum

Information on the BIA Vic web site link for introductory comments.